Musical Thesis: Nada Surf “Let Go”

Nathan Box
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

At the center of every album is a musical thesis. Nada Surf’s “Let Go” reminds me of the beauty of love. Over the course of our lives, we chase careers, acceptance, joy, pleasure, and a thousand other things but none is more important than love. Once we find it, all those other pursuits become secondary. They don’t lose their importance just their place.

Nada Surf answers their questions about love with a well-balanced and thought provoking album. From one track to the next, there is a surprise waiting for you. It might come in the form of a traditionally loud rock-and-roll song or it may come in the form of a ballad forcing you to get closer and pay attention. While the music plays, great stories are being told; stories about yourself and the things you love.

As we chase love, we learn to own the moment. We learn to give things proper pause and respect. We learn to take nothing for granted. Little events; blips in time and space can mean something. They can point you into the direction you are to go, if only you will stop, listen, and learn to let go of the things that don’t truly matter.

Be good to each other,


